December 2023 Summary

Happy New Year, everyone!

2023 is gone, which means that it’s time to report passive income for the last month of the year.

Dividend Income

As always, let’s start with dividend income. During December, I received dividend from 2 companies:

Discover Financial Services delivered their first dividend to me, while Target was the first company I bought last year, when I restarted my portfolio. It’s nice to see the list of companies in my portfolio growing, and it will only get bigger from here.

As always, I am comparing dividend income to actual expenses our family experienced:

  • $6.54 from Discover Financial Services would cover 40.6% of our Banking expenses for the last 3 months;
  • $4.67 from Target would cover 0.4% of our expenses on Food for the last 3 months.

P2P Lending Income

Next, we received some interest from P2P Lending:

€5.84 in interest is a usual amount I receive from P2P Lending, so nothing special here.

Other Passive Income

I received some small amounts from two other sources of passive income during December:

  • €1.50 interest from Real Estate Crowdfunding;
  • €4.10 interest from Money Market Funds.

Passive Income Summary

After adding all sources of passive income, it sums up to €21.83:

I like to see that income is coming from many different directions. It means that all the small investments we made during the year are starting to pay off.

Here’s a chart where you may see a better comparison between months and passive income categories during 2023:

Investments and Portfolio Contributions

December was not the best month for investments. Most of our savings went to a new closet and bookshelf for our apartment.

However, I still managed to invest €100 to a fractional bond of iCotton. It’s a Latvian manufacturing company whose main activities are the production of wet wipes, cotton swabs, moisture-absorbing nappies, cotton wool discs, and production of non-woven material.

Terms of the bond:

  • Maturity – 3.5 years;
  • Interest – 6% + 3-month Euribor.

The interest is fluctuating, depending on Euribor. Currently, the full interest rate is 9.975%, but it will get lower once Euribor subsides. I am expecting for the interest to be ˜8% going forward. Based on this, I am expecting to earn ˜€8 in interest annually, if everything goes according to plan.


Just like that, 2023 is over. It was my first year of investing again after a break and it feels good to be back.

Now I can see that during 2023 we earned €211 from passive income in total. This surpassed my goal to earn €183! It’s not a huge sum but you got to start somewhere.

Currently, I am still contemplating what goal I should set for 2024. We have quite a few plans, which will negatively impact our savings for investments, but that’s a topic for another post.

Thanks for reading and have a great year!

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