June 2024 Summary

Catching up with my monthly updates seems hard this year. But I still have hope that I will catch up, so let me show you what happened with our passive income for the month of June 2024.

Dividend Income

Just like 3 months ago, I had 3 companies paying dividend to me during June:

Not much changed since March when I had the same companies paying exactly the same amounts.

As always, I like to compare received dividends to our family’s actual expenses in certain categories:

  • $6.54 from Discover Financial Services (DFS) would cover 40.1% of our expenses in Banking category for the last 3 months;
  • $4.67 from Target (TGT) would cover 0.3% of our Food expenses for the last 3 months;
  • $1.91 from Microsoft (MSFT) could pay 1.5% of Subscriptions and Personal Development category for the last 3 months.

P2P Lending Income

Next, some income was generated from P2P lending:

I haven’t done any active steps with P2P lending in ages, so nothing new in this category.

Other Passive Income

Finally, I received some small amounts from other sources of passive income:

  • €1.58 from Real Estate Crowdfunding;
  • €3.01 in interest from Money Market Funds.

Passive Income Summary

To sum it up, we received €23.03 from passive income during June.

Here’s how passive income looks like so far this year:

Compared to previous two months when I had some annual and semi-annual payers, the June payout was smaller but I like to see that it’s still above the €20 mark.

Let’s compare passive income to June of last year:

I like to see that passive income more than doubled during the year. Let’s see if we can keep up the momentum.

Investments and Portfolio Contributions

During June, I only managed to add €200 to investment amounts.

I decided to try out a new kind of investment which is offered by Mintos platform (I am also using the platform for P2P lending and bond investments). This time, they were offering Real Estate securities. To try it out, I invested €50 into it and it will generate some small amount of rental income every month. On top of that, there could also be some capital appreciation but the investment might not be very liquid.

After withholding tax, this small investment should generate €2.4 in passive income annually.


During June we received €23.03 in passive income. This is smaller compared to two previous months but I like to see that we receive more than €20 every month this year.

So far in 2024, we received €166.37 in passive income. This is 45% of my goal to receive €365 from passive income during 2024. With half of the year gone, I am behind schedule. With my recent modest investments, reaching the year’s goal may be challenging. But all is not lost yet and I will try to come as close to the goal as possible.

Thanks for reading!

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