Merry Christmas everyone! 🙂
In between the festivities, I am sitting down to write what happened with my portfolio during the month of November. Let’s see how much passive income has been generated this time.
Dividend Income
As always, let’s start with dividend income. 2 companies paid dividend to me during November:

It’s nice to see an increased dividend from Starbucks. Back in October, the company increased their quarterly dividend from $0.57 to $0.61 per share, which is an increase of 7%. I will try to keep better track of dividend increases next year and perhaps add this information to my monthly reports.
As usual, let’s compare received dividend to our actual monthly expenses:
- $6.12 from Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMY) would cover 7.0% of our expenses in Health category for the last 3 months;
- $5.18 from Starbucks (SBUX) could cover 0.5% of our Eating Out expenses for the last 3 months. This includes our trip to Croatia, so there was a lot of eating out recently.
P2P Lending Income
Next, let’s see how much income was generated by P2P lending:

No changes in this category, so the regular amount of income was generated by interest from P2P lending.
Other Passive Income
Finally, other categories also provided some small amounts of passive income:
- €0.62 from Real Estate Crowdfunding;
- €6.18 interest from a partial bond I own;
- €2.84 from Money Market Funds;
- €0.40 from Rental Income Crowdfunding.
Passive Income Summary
After adding it all up, I received €27.00 from passive income during November:

Here’s a better visualization of the income with different categories:

It’s nice to see that passive income was generated from 6 different sources again this month.
Finally, here’s a comparison year-over-year:

This year I received €0.02 less income compared to 2023. However, that’s because last year I received a special dividend from W.P.Carey (WPC) when they divested part of their business.
Investments and Portfolio Contributions
During the month of November, I added €400 to my investment accounts.
The real estate crowdfunding platform I am using (Rontgen) returned some of my invested funds during November. Therefore, I invested €100 to a new project in the platform. It pays annual interest of 7% with 12 months loan duration. I expect to earn €6.99 in interest if everything goes according to plan.
I also bought a few shares of my Lithuanian company investments.
On the 28th of November, I bought 3 shares of Ignitis Group (IGN1L) at €18.9/share for a total of €56.70. With their current dividend, this adds €3.27 to net projected annual dividend income.
On the 29th of November, I bought 28 shares of Telia Lietuva (TEL1L) at €1.59/share for a total of €44.52. With their latest dividend, this adds €2.14 to net projected annual dividend income.
After adding it all up, these small investments should increase my annual passive income by €12.4.
Another great month is in the books. Even though the amounts are still small, I love tallying up the results each month.
With 11 months of the year reported, we received €316.82 from passive income so far. This represents 87% of my goal to receive €365 from passive income during 2024. With a single month to go, unfortunately I already know that the goal will not be reached this year. However, I am still happy with the result, as we had a great year and still managed to put some money aside for investing. The passive income snowball is still small but it keeps rolling and it will only get bigger.
Thanks for reading! 🙂
Senai skaičiau blogą. Bet ar nekilo mintis pasitraukti iš P2P platformų?
Minčių pilnai išeiti nekilo (plius užtruktų), bet aktyviai nieko nedarau, tiesiog automatiškai reinvestuoju grįžusius pinigus ir palūkanas. Kadangi pas mane gana konservatyvūs nustatymai, tai vėlavimų turiu minimaliai. Planuoju turėti šitoj kategorijoj ~5% portfelio.
O kodėl toks klausimas kilo? 🙂
Labas, tiesiog buvo platformų kurios, užsidarė dėl vienokių at kitokių priežasčių. Bet turbūt aš asmeniškai išsinesu, nes jei reiktų išsigryninti didesnę sumą būtų sunkiau, o ir grįžtančių pinigų srautus sunkiau planuotis.
Sutinku, likvidumas daug mažesnis palyginus su akcijomis ir užtruktų ilgai, kol galėtum išsituštinti portfelį pilnai.