September 2024 Summary

It’s time to see how we ended the third quarter.

September was a great month. We had a roadtrip to Croatia, which took almost two weeks. It was our first time traveling such a long distance by car, and I don’t think it was the last one. Croatia was impressive with its nature and medieval towns.

On our way back we also spent a couple days in the Austrian capital – Vienna. We had opportunity to visit Kunsthistorisches Museum and see a few Caravaggio paintings live for the first time.

I also learned that I was too optimistic with planning. We saw probably about the third of what I initially planned, but that’s life when you travel with a 5-year old. Anyway, I can’t complain, as holidays were for the whole family, so we tried to make it fun for our daughter as well.

Now let’s see how our portfolio worked in the background while we were having fun.

Dividend Income

4 companies in our portfolio paid dividend during the month:

I love to see the number of dividend payers growing. I received my first dividend from United Parcel Service (UPS), which I purchased back in July.

As always, let’s compare received dividends with our actual expenses:

  • $6.54 from Discover Financial Services (DFS) would cover 40.8% of our Banking expenses for the last 3 months;
  • $8.31 from United Parcel Service (UPS) would cover 0.7% of our Car & Transportation expenses during the last quarter (it was very high due to our roadtrip);
  • $4.76 from Target (TGT) could cover 0.3% of our Food expenses for the last 3 months;
  • $1.91 from Microsoft (MSFT) could pay 0.5% of Subscriptions and Personal Development category for the last 3 months.

P2P Lending Income

P2P lending also generated some passive income:

€6.46 in interest is similar to what I usually receive in this category.

Other Passive Income

Finally, I also received some small amounts from two different sources:

  • €2.52 in interest from Money Market Funds;
  • €0.20 from Rental Income in Mintos platform.

Passive Income Summary

After adding it all up, our passive income for September amounted €28.59:

I like to see that the trend is going up with new companies coming to our portfolio.

Let’s see how it compares to last year:

I love to see that passive income almost tripled compared to September of last year, when we received €9.96.

Investments and Portfolio Contributions

During September, I added €400 to our investment accounts.

First of all, I invested €100 to a new real estate crowdfunding project in Rontgen platform. With 7% interest rate and 12-month period, this investment should earn €6.97, if everything goes according to plan.

The rest of the allocated funds went to my Interactive Brokers account, waiting for an investment to some company.


September was a great month not only due to our vacation. It was the third-best month for the year in terms of passive income.

During 2024, we received €246.13 from passive income so far. With 75% of the year behind us, this is only 67% of my goal to receive €365 in passive income during 2024. It seems that I will not be able to reach the goal this year, because (spoiler alert) a few days ago I invested to a company, which will have no additional dividend payments this year. However, with continuous investing, I will try to come as close to the target as possible.

Thanks for reading! 🙂

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