It’s time to see how active my February was. Sadly, the numbers are not looking good. I think this was one of the least active months out of the last 12 months or so. I was not so active due to several reasons: vacation, little illness and simply laziness. As I mentioned earlier, it is very easy to get out of the rhythm if you miss a few workouts. I would still like to highlight a few events that took place in February:
- XTrasa Riovonys;
- Running in Tenerife;
- Memorial run with running club.
XTrasa Riovonys
At the beginning of February, I participated in the 4th stage of XTrasa cup. It was one more tough race of 10k with a lot of hills.
I finished the distance in 1:19:49 and took the 31st place out of 55 men in my category. After 4 stages, I am standing in the 20th place out of 254 men in general classification. This puts me into top 8% of the field. That’s really good and my running skill is definitely not even in top 20% but consistency lets me reach this result.
I was also captured in this great moment where I am trying hard not to be caught by some girl:
Running in Tenerife
While having vacation in Tenerife, I remembered what it means to go for a run for your pleasure and not try to accomplish any training goals. It was purely for my satisfaction. Out of 7 days we stayed there, I woke up 5 mornings to have a run of 30-50 minutes. Most of the mornings I was running by the sea but one morning I decided to try some trail running on nearby hills. It was not a mistake as I had a lot of fun on the ascents/descents and had great views in the meanwhile. This is one of the photos I took that morning:
Memorial run with running club
Just after returning home from Tenerife, we celebrated our Independence day. This year it was special as we were celebrating the 100th year of restored Lithuania’s independence. One of the guys from our running club organized a tour/run for this occasion. He is working as a guide and knows a lot of interesting history facts so we were running around places that were somehow related to the Independence day and he was telling us interesting stories / unheard facts from our history. It was really cold but it was still one of the most enjoyable runs I had this year. Unfortunately, I caught some cold after this run and missed a lot of training afterwards.
We were also caught by a photographer who took a nice photo of our little event:
All in all, it was a lazy month and below statistics show full summary of the month. Only 12 workouts were logged and I don’t remember a time when I had so little workouts in a month. Anyway, March should look better and I am back to training with full energy.
How was your month? Were you more active than me? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment below and thanks for reading!
Looks like you had some fun!
I’m definitely not training harder then you but I have a obstacle run coming up in May. It’s 10km and about 27 obstacles including swimming. This marks the fourth time I’m running this one so I know what I’m up against
Hi Mr. Robot,
That’s nice, those obstacle runs are usually the most entertaining. I participated in one as well a few years ago but it didn’t include swimming. There was a chance, though, but I was lucky with the Tarzan rope swing and landed safely
Hahaha good for you!
Even with your lazy month you still did more than I. You’re right about how easy it is to get lazy after missing a few workout routines. Work got insanely busy and I had to miss about two weeks of going to the gym. I’m hoping I can get back into a normal gym rhythm next week. Hopefully March is more productive for you.
Hi DP,
Thanks for stopping by!
Let’s make March count, both of us!