January 2024 Summary

Welcome to another monthly review of passive income for my portfolio. Let’s see what the first month of 2024 brought.

Dividend Income

During January, one company from my portfolio paid a dividend:

$8.04 from W.P.Carey is actually smaller than what they paid out three months ago ($10.01). As I mentioned in previous post, the company spinned off part of its business, paid out some cash to shareholders but their dividend is reduced since then.

As always, I am comparing my dividends to actual expenses:

  • €7.39 from W.P.Carey would cover 0.2% of our Mortgage payments for the last 3 months.

P2P Lending Income

Next, I received some interest from P2P Lending:

€7.05 is slightly more than my average income from this source, so I guess it will be smaller in the next month. Additionally, Savy platform will start charging the monthly €1 fee, so I should expect some smaller income here.

Other Passive Income

Finally, I received some smaller amounts from two additional sources of passive income:

  • €4.29 interest from Real Estate Crowdfunding;
  • €1.40 interest from Money Market Funds.

Passive Income Summary

After adding it all together, passive income in January sums up to €20.13:

Here’s a visualization of income from different categories:

Finally, I like to see comparison to previous year’s passive income:

Investments and Portfolio Contributions

During January, I allocated €500 to my investment account. I didn’t have enough money to initiate a new purchase, so it is just waiting for more funds.


First month of the year is over and time seems to be flying. January brought €20.13 in passive income, which was result of our continuous investments. It’s nice to see that passive income is more than double of what we received during this month last year.

However, I am not sure if we will be able to keep up the pace as the year progresses. We have quite a few plans this year and it will affect how much funds we can contribute for investments. Time will tell but I will try to contribute at least something to the portfolio each month.

Thanks for reading!

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