May 2024 Summary

I am still way behind with reporting my monthly passive income summaries but I will try to catch up. We hardly had any weekends spent at home this summer, so I guess it’s not a bad thing, but my blog activity is suffering 🙂 Anyway, let’s see how much passive income has been earned during the last month of Spring.

Dividend Income

I had 3 companies paying dividend to me during May:

I had one annual payer this month, so the dividend amount is bigger than usual. We also received the first dividend payment from the latest edition to our portfolio – Starbucks (SBUX).

As always, let’s see what amount of our monthly expenses in related categories these dividends could cover at the moment:

  • $6.12 from Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMY) would cover 4.7% of our expenses in Health category for the last 3 months;
  • €13.00 from Telia Lietuva (TEL1L) could pay for 3.8% of our annual TV+Internet expenses;
  • $4.84 from Starbucks (SBUX) would cover 0.5% of our expenses on Eating Out for the last 3 months.

P2P Lending Income

P2P Lending also added some passive income:

Nothing changed in this front, so €5.77 received is very similar to previous months.

Other Passive Income

Finally, I received some additional income from two more categories:

  • €6.18 interest from Eleving Group fractional bond;
  • €3.89 interest from Money Market Funds.

Passive Income Summary

After summing it all up, we received €38.90 from passive income during May:

Finally, here’s a comparison to previous year:

I love to see that passive income this May is almost 4 times bigger compared to May of 2023.

Investments and Portfolio Contributions

Unfortunately, not much happened with additional investments in my portfolio. During May, I added only €200 to my investments accounts and haven’t initiated any new purchases.


During the month of May we received €38.90 in passive income which is one of the best months of the year. With current portfolio trajectory, I don’t think we will have such big months again this year.

Looking at my goals for the year, we received €143.34 from passive income so far in 2024. This is 39% of my goal to receive €365 in total for 2024. Somehow, it is hard to contribute bigger amounts to our investments this year. However, I add at least some small amount every month and every little bit counts, so even if we don’t achieve the goal, we will still be in a better situation than yesterday.

Thanks for reading!

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