With first quarter of the year gone, I figured it’s a good time to have a look at the goals I set to myself back in January. I had 12 goals in total, divided to 4 different categories. Let’s go through each of them and see where I am standing after 3 months.

Financial Goals
- Contribute €5000 to Passive Income portfolio. So far in 2023, I have contributed €950 to investments portfolio. To be on track, I should have contributed €1250, so I am behind schedule by €300. Increased expenses due to inflation, increased interest rate, saving for vacation and saving for furniture in our apartment is taking its toll. I am still hopeful to catch up on the latter part of the year, so we’ll see how it goes. Status – Behind Schedule.
- Receive €183 in passive income. So far in 2023 I have received €17.20 in passive income. To be on track, I should have received €45.75, so I am way behind at the moment. April will improve the situation a bit but this goal is going to be challenging as well. I am not losing hope yet, though. Status – Behind Schedule.
- Contribute €720 to our daughter’s fund. The easiest goal of the year, so nothing surprising here. During the first 3 months I have contributed €210 to our daughter’s account in ETFMatic, which is slightly above target for now. Status – On Track.
Fitness Goals
- Be active for at least 300 days. I did sports for 28/31 days in January. In February, sore throat caught me a few times and I was only active on 16/28 days. In March it got slightly better and I did sports on 23/31 days. To sum it up, I was active for 67 days so far this year. To be on track, it should have been 75 days, so I am behind schedule on this one. It may be hard to catch up, but it’s still possible. Status – Behind Schedule.
- No sweets/potato chips/alcohol for at least 300 days. Here comes the biggest fail of the year so far. I was not wrong in assuming that this is going to be the hardest goal to achieve. Sweet things is my cryptonite and I totally failed on this one. January was looking pretty good with 23 days without cheat meals. February was very bad with only 5 “clean” days, followed by March with only 6 days without cheat meals. To sum it up, only 34 days without sweets/potato chips/alcohol so far this year, and I can already say that this goal failed. It doesn’t mean that I will not try to eat healthily going forward, so maybe I will reduce the target to keep motivation in the future. Status – Behind Schedule.
- Perform a strict bar muscle-up. I am not able to perform a muscle-up yet, but there is some progress. I am doing Crossfit training 3 times a week consistently and doing some additional pull-ups often after running. I reached a new record of performing 9 pull-ups until failure recently. I think it was ˜16 years ago when I was able to do this many pull-ups, so it’s nice to see the progress. I am hopeful to be able to do a muscle-up at some point later this year. Status – On Track.
Personal Development Goals
- Read 18 books. We come to the goal which is going really well so far. During the first three months, I already finished 8 books. On the other hand, I think I bought more than 8 books this year, so the “to-be-read” list is still growing. I am thinking about increasing the goal to 24 books. Status – On Track.
- Earn an IT certification. I haven’t paid much attention to this one yet. Usually, I am going for some IT certification in autumn, so there is still time. However, I should investigate which certification to go for, so I will try to decide it during Q2. Status – Not started.
- Finish Udemy course “The Web Developer Bootcamp 2022“. I started the course but only finished 8/60 sessions so far. It seems hard to stay committed to this goal and I am not sure how much value there is, as the knowledge gets lost if you don’t practice it. However, there is no drawback on learning something new and the process itself is satisfying. Perhaps I should borrow some reading time and dedicate it to this goal instead. Status – Behind Schedule.
Family Goals
- Finish apartment. There was some progress with this goal. We purchased some nice chairs for our dining table and have ordered a TV table which should arrive soon. The biggest expense still remaining is a big wardrobe in our hallway and we are saving for it at the moment. Technically, there will still probably be things left to do after the year ends, but I will be happy if we at least get that wardrobe completed before New Year comes. Status – Behind Schedule.
- Visit at least 8 new places/walking paths. So far this year, we only visited one new walking path. The weather was not very nice most of the time, so there were not many opportunities to proceed with the goal. As the weather gets warmer, we should spend more time travelling around, but at the moment there is not much progress. Status – Behind Schedule.
- Have a vacation abroad. Finally, there is a goal to have a vacation abroad this year. We have already reserved one for October, so there shouldn’t be any issues with this goal. Status – On Track.
Looking at the status of 12 goals for the year, intermediate results could be better. I have 7 goals that are behind schedule but still have some hope, 1 goal which will most probably fail, and 4 goals that are on track to be achieved. On the bright side, there is some progress on most of the goals and that’s the main thing. Let’s see if it looks any better when I review it next time 🙂
Do you have any goals set for 2023? I would love to read your comments!