July 2019 Summary

Another month flew by and we are already on the last month of summer. Weather during July was not as hot as in June but I am not complaining. It felt like a relief after all the heat in the beginning of summer. Weather was still nice during several weekends and we had a coupleRead More

June 2019 Summary

Summer is in full swing and June was another great month. Our baby-girl is growing well. It seems that she is changing and learning new things everyday. She even has 4 teeth already! We also had a short 4-day getaway to the seaside this month. It was great to spend some time with old friendsRead More

Recent Buy – 3M (MMM)

May was pretty bad for markets. The prices kept decreasing and my portfolio value shrank by ~€800 (~5%) in a single month. However, it presented some opportunities, as I am still in the early accumulation phase of the portfolio. I took the opportunity and initiated a new position. This time, it is a dividend kingRead More

May 2019 Summary

It’s time for another edition of monthly passive income review. May is usually my best month in terms of dividends due to some annual payers in my portfolio. This time though, I was worried that I will have the first down month compared to last year since I started this blog. That’s because one ofRead More

April 2019 Summary

Another month has passed and what a month it has been! Our baby-girl started crawling, I opened my triathlon season with the first race and our little vacation started (it’s still ongoing as I write). While we were busy living life, our portfolio kept working silently in the background and delivered some passive income. Let’sRead More