August 2019 Summary

Just like that, summer is over. It’s time to get back to school and I can already see the effect around. My colleagues are complaining that the traffic is getting worse and they need to prepare kids for school/kindergarten. Luckily, our baby-daughter is still too young to go to kindergarten and I am walking toRead More

Goals for September 2019

This is going to be just a short post about a new thing I decided to do. I was always fascinated with lists/plans/goals and it gives me joy to create them. For example, one of the most interesting things when preparing for triathlon is creating a training plan and trying to stick to it (althoughRead More

August 2019 Watchlist

The market was pretty wild lately. It presented some nice opportunities but I didn’t have available funds, unfortunately. I could tap to an emergency fund I am slowly building but I think it’s not worth the risk. It’s better to stick to the plan and only invest money you saved for investing, not for emergencyRead More