March 2019 Summary

I have to admit that I didn’t spend too much time blogging recently. Raising a baby and training for triathlon definitely takes its toll on time spent on reading other blogs and writing posts of my own. However, I don’t want to make excuses, as I could definitely find some time if I omitted unproductiveRead More

Goals for 2019

At the beginning of last year I created a list of goals that I wanted to achieve during 2018. I found it to be useful, as seeing them gave me additional motivation throughout the year. The year ended with 7 out of 10 goals completed. So I decided to create a new set of goalsRead More

2018 Goals Review

At the beginning of 2018, I set some goals to myself. Well, it’s already the last day of 2018, so let’s see how many of them I managed to achieve. Financial Goals Grow passive income portfolio to €11000; – on the 27th of December, my stocks portfolio was worth €9568 and my P2P lending portfolio stands atRead More