December 2017 Summary

Just like that, the 2017 is over. With that, it is time to see how my portfolio ended the year. I noticed that December is usually a good month for most of the investors, as a lot of ETFs are paying dividends during the last month of the quarter/year. However, it is not the caseRead More

Goals for 2018

With the new year upon us, I took some time and thought about the goals I would like to achieve during 2018. I decided to put my goals into three categories this year: Financial, Fitness and Personal development. Without further ado, let’s start with what I came up with for the upcoming year. Financial 1.Read More

November 2017 Fitness Summary

This monthly post is quite overdue but I guess it’s better to report it later than never. Let’s see how my November went from the fitness side. The month was quite boring and not that much happened. However, I could still find a few highlights: Staying consistent on my strength training program; Participation in aRead More

October 2017 Summary

Another month is in the books and it is time to report how it went for me. Let’s jump straight into it. Dividend Income The first month of the quarter is usually the worst one for me but my recent purchase of Cisco should improve the situation. So let’s see what I received during OctoberRead More