March 2018 Summary

Finally, the Spring has come and the first month of it is already over. We didn’t have many warm days yet, but it should only get better from here. It is time for my favorite post of the month – looking at how my portfolio is working for me and what was delivered to myRead More

March 2018 Watchlist

I accumulated some funds for my next investment and am trying to decide how to put them to work. This is my first watchlist of stocks I am considering at the moment which I hope will help me decide what to buy next. Let’s start with the list! Telia Lietuva (TEL1L).  Simply put, this companyRead More

February Fitness Summary

It’s time to see how active my February was. Sadly, the numbers are not looking good. I think this was one of the least active months out of the last 12 months or so. I was not so active due to several reasons: vacation, little illness and simply laziness. As I mentioned earlier, it isRead More

Different kind of investment

Last week, I did something unexpected. I bought some coins. And I am not talking about bitcoins or other cryptocurrency. I actually bought some physical coins that were issued by Bank of Lithuania. It’s a set of 4 coins (3 silver and 1 golden) with nominal value of €5, €10, €20 and €50 and eachRead More

December 2017 Summary

Just like that, the 2017 is over. With that, it is time to see how my portfolio ended the year. I noticed that December is usually a good month for most of the investors, as a lot of ETFs are paying dividends during the last month of the quarter/year. However, it is not the caseRead More